Flat Creek WRF Upgrades
The following improvements were completed at the Flat Creek Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) to help optimize plant performance and improve reliability: • New Influent Bar Screens (6-mm) and Compactors; •...
Wahoo Creek WWTP Aeration System Improvements
This project included the upgrade and replacement of the existing aeration basin diffusers with more efficient diffusers, restoration of 2 older blowers, and installation of VFD’s. Post construction of the...
Wahoo Creek Influent & Diversion Pump Station
This project involved the construction of 2 new pump stations (Influent & Diversion Pump Stations) at the NU Wahoo Creek WWTP. The Influent Pump Station replaced an existing screw lift...
2017 Linwood Reclamation Facility
To help eliminate “binding” of existing 2-mm bar screens, located downstream of the Influent Pump Station, a new 9-mm bar screen was installed upstream of the Influent Pump Station. This...
2017 Newnan Utilities Mineral Springs WWTP Sludge Dewatering Upgrades
To comply with more stringent discharge limits required by the Georgia EPD as part of a planned treatment system expansion, W&S is assisting Newnan Utilities with a multi-phase construction program...
2017 Newnan Utilities Mineral Springs WWTP Aeration System Upgrades
To help improve plant performance and reduce energy costs, the Mineral Springs WWTP Aeration System Project included the upgrade and replacement of the existing aeration basin diffusers to more efficient...
Manchester Creek Outfall Sewers
The Manchester Creek Outfall Sewers project spanned 4 phases of construction, and oversaw, in total, the installation of approximately 17,500 linear feet of large diameter gravity sewer. The existing sewers...
Rubes Creek WRF – Headworks Facilities and Rotary Drum Screen Installation
The purpose of the Rubes Creek WRF project was to equip the plant with upgrades which would protect the downstream MBR facilities from potential damage and allow the successful operation...