48 MGD Expansion
The City of Rock Hill, SC, is currently constructing an upgrade at the City of Rock Hill Water Treatment Plant and Raw Water Pump Station to increase the permitted capacity...
Cartersville WTP Renovation Projects
The renovation of the Cartersville Water Treatment Plant includes projects such as the installation of an air scour, new underdrains, a new control system with wireless filter valves and a...
Hershall B. Norred WTP 1980 HSPS Electrical Upgrades
This project (completed in 2014) included the complete replacement of the 5KV gear serving the two 600 HP (4160V) motors in the 1980 High-Service Pump Station (HSPS), and the replacement...
York County 30″ Raw Water Main Conversion
To help satisfy future water demands, York County converted an abandoned existing 30” ductile iron raw water main (approximately 24,000 linear feet) into a finished water main. The pipeline was...
US 221 Water Tank Rehab
To ensure the long-term protection of the US 221 elevated water tank, the interior and exterior coatings were rehabilitated. The tank is located adjacent to a major interstate and business...
Unicoi WTP and Watauga WTP – Hypochlorite Storage
W&S assisted the City of Johnson City with the installation of bulk sodium hypochlorite disinfection facilities at their Unicoi Water Treatment Plant (4.7 MGD) and Watauga Water Treatment Plant (24...
Williston Water System Improvements
The Town of Williston completed system wide improvements to expand the capacity of their ground water system to comply with SCDHEC groundwater source capacity requirements through the installation of a...
Coosawattee River Resort – Water Line Replacement
The Ellijay-Gilmer County Water and Sewerage Authority received APRA funding to replace water lines in western Gilmer County that had experienced numerous pipe failures and loss of water service. Approximately...
City of Rock Hill WTP Expansion to 36 MGD
The City of Rock Hill completed multiple phases at the City of Rock Hill WTP to increase the plant capacity from 24 MGD to 36 MGD. The construction included a...
Mill Creek WTP Rehabilitation
The improvements at the Mill Creek WTP were focused on the overhaul of the 14.4 MGD plant from a conventional filtration plant into a submerged membrane plant by incorporating membrane...